How do you prepare for vacation?

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 2:25 PM

How you prepare for vacation and what it might say about you…

Generally speaking people can typically be split into two different sides. We use both sides but not necessarily equally. Similarly to how we use our right and left hand. We generally prefer one, but we still use both. When we put this in terms of planning a vacation. You have one side that immediately makes a list of what they need to do to plan it all out. They put together a plan and put that plan into motion. This side takes a more structured approach. The other side waits it out. They start processing, but want to keep their options open and see if new information emerges before they take action. This side takes a more flexible approach.

This week we are heading to the beach house for some much needed R&R. I have a preference for the more structured approach, my husband tends to be more on the flexible side. So what does that look like? Well for me, I made my list last week of everything we would need to pack. We are taking the dogs with us so the list is a bit longer than normal. Yes I know, I need a toothbrush, tank tops, shorts, sneakers etc but for me I like having a list in front of me that I can check off. I also made a list of things I wanted to accomplish/had to do before we left. This list included things like, laundry, tidy up the house, a few errands, empty the fridge and trash etc etc. I always like to have my house clean before I go. I did pack the day before which I don’t typically do. I prefer to pack more in advance BUT I did have the list ready and it was included in my schedule already so it’s okay! My husband, had no list. He didn’t even think about what he was going to pack until he opened the suitcase. He wanted to wait to see what the weather was going to be, what activities we might have planned. My husbands biggest stress was ensuring the laundry was done so he had as many options to choose from when he packed. I asked him what was going through his mind as he packed and he said, “What else do I want?” What was going through my head? “What else is missing off my list?”

You start to see the differences coming into play. One side wants the step by step checklist, they like to keep the plan on course without deviating. The other side wants to be a bit more spontaneous, keep those options open in case new information arises. They tend to go more with the flow and can adapt easily to changes.

Now why is this information important for you to know and understand?

  1. Self Awareness - Knowing your personality type and how you differ from those with the same type can help you not only understand yourself but also understand others.
  2. Utilizing your strengths - Once you know your personality type you can play to your strengths.
  3. Increase your ability to flex based on the situation - Certain situations may cause you to flex and use the other side. (More to come on that - it may not be your preference but that doesn’t mean you don’t use it! We use both sides even if its not your preference)
  4. Is this your preference or a learned behavior? This comes more into play when we take a deeper look but there is almost always a story there.

There are (3) other preferences to explore to get a deeper understanding of your personality. Once you’ve understood this level we can dive deeper and look at your dynamic personality and then take the deepest dive to look at a more personalized description of your personality.

This specific preference also gives us insights and helps us understand what we show to the world and what we keep in our inner world. Knowing that information will help you understand our stress response and how we react under stress. This knowledges helps us explore how to navigate from stress to our favorite/preferred way of being.

This assessment and understanding was monumental in my self discovery journey and finding my best life. It helped me and I know it can help you too. If you want to explore your preferences and take a deeper look to further your understanding of self - Email me:

I found my best life - now it’s time for you to find + live yours!

Xo Meg

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