Personal Development Coaching

Helping women gain the confidence to overcome their doubts & fears that are holding them back in order to find themselves & live their best life.  

You are in the right place if:

- You feel behind in the game of life

- Your plan didn't work out the way you wanted

- You feel lost and unsure who you are & what you truly want

- You're ready to make a change, but not sure where to start!

You are not alone. Don't worry. I've got you.

Services Offered

Self Guided Program - Workshops - One on One Coaching - Group Coaching

Self Guided Program

A 6 module course focused around the FMBL Wheel of Life.

There is no secret recipe, no quick fix. If you're willing to put in the work and dig deeper you'll find the answers within. This program was specifically designed to:

- Help you establish your starting point

- Create your vision for your ideal life

- Overcome what's holding you back

- Start taking action to figure out who you are and what you REALLY want.

          Strategies to build on the quality of life for everyone in your family

Program details to be announced soon!

Coming Fall 2024


Every month I offer a 60 minute workshop on various topics chosen from the FMBL Wheel of Life.

Workshops are recorded and members have access to all previous recordings.

You can register for (1) workshop or sign up as an annual member to receive access to all workshops.

Workshops are hosted on Zoom.

Link provided 24 hours prior to workshop.

To register for workshops or to view topics

Click Here

*In person workshops available. If you wish to host a workshop please email me:     

One on One Coaching

I offer a 12 week coaching package to start for all new clients with the option to continue on a weekly/biweekly or monthly basis. This 12 week package allows us time to really establish your true starting point, create your vision/goals. Identify and work through your inner gremlins that are holding you back, then create an action plan that is both sustainable and proactive in accomplishing your goals.

Each session is led by YOU.

My role as your coach is to ask you the questions to get you to dig deeper to find the answers within! During your coaching experience with me, I will be there to guide you, to support you, motivate you and hold you accountable!

If you are interested in one on one coaching please email me to set up a discovery call to ensure we are compatible!

Most of my clients range in age from early 20's to mid 40's, usually going through some type of major life change whether that be around their career, relationship, or redefining who they are.  I offer a great expertise not only in my own experience but also in my certifications, training and development.

Sessions Available: Virtually - In Person* - In Nature*

*Must be local


I am a Certified Practitioner of the following assessments:

Strong Interest Inventory

Career Development

If you are looking to further your current career or change careers. Great for college students + exploration.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Personality Assessment

If you are looking to understand how you take in information + make decisions as well as raise your self awareness +

deepen your understanding of others.


Interpersonal Needs

If you are looking to deepen your relationships + communication style in your work + personal life

CPI 260

Leadership Development

If you are in a leadership position or desire to be and want to deepen your understanding of your style

*Each assessment offers different information + insights and I can help you decide which is best suited for your goals!

Group Coaching & Assessment Debrief

I offer in person and virtual group coaching as well as group debriefs for any of the above assessments. If you have a group that you would like to do some coaching with or assessment work please contact me for a custom proposal. Please include in your message: Your name, your organization and any details you would like me to know. All emails will be answered within 24 hours.

Email Me

Sign up for a 15-minute discovery call

    - Opportunity for you to share the struggles you are currently experiencing and goals you have.

    - I’ll share what services I offer that may be a good fit for you!

    - Ask any questions you’d like!

It’s time for you to start living your best life!

Client Testimonials

“My life coaching sessions with Megan have been so amazing for me - in a time when I needed them the most.  It is strange to say that I felt like I knew what to do and maybe how to do it - but I just could not seem to accomplish it.  That was where I felt her wisdom and help gave me the most guidance.  She helped me to learn to help myself better. Additionally, when I was going through an extremely difficult time and I did not feel that I had the strength to pull myself out of that, she gave me the strength to pull myself out of a very dark place.  I am forever grateful to Megan for her help (and continued help) in many situations in my life.”

"Working with Megan has opened my eyes so much to the fact that there are doable tasks that I can do on a daily basis that can help as corrective action to those struggles."

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